The unique TCG/browser game crossover title Gundam Duel Company combines with Gundam Ace's new " Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0096 Last Sun" for a new promotion!
Gundam Fuel Company lets you enter serial codes printed on your cards online to create your own squads for PC or smartphone play, drawing from the casts of over 15 Gundam series.
Now, you can develop Last Sun's G-First and more in-game! Select "Event" from the "Single Mode" menu.
On the promo site you can see info on Last Sun's characters and mobile suits, and read the first chapter for free.
Collaboration missions will also be available to allow Cannongun development on June 11th and GF Tank development in late July. Stay tuned for more info!
▲ The current collaboration mission lets you develop the G-First.
▲ The Cannongun is coming June 11th!
■ A Gundam Duel Company × Last Sun promo trailer is available now!
▼ Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0096 Last Sun campaign site
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