“GUNDAM: DUEL COMPANY,” the only Gundam game in the world to combine trading cards and a browser-based game, carried out a major update on Wednesday, May 27th. In addition to “MS Development Mode,” which allows players to develop Mobile Suits, the update added “Single Mode,” in which players can enjoy the game easily on their own, and the player-versus-player “Multi Mode.” The contents are aimed at appealing to both pre-existing and new users. Following this update, the Series 04“Gundam; Duel Company MS DEVELOPMENT PLAN” booster packs will be released on Friday, May 29th. Along with the appearance of series such as “Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin” and “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing,” packs will contain indexes inscribed with serial codes that can be redeemed for in-game currency used in the development of new Mobile Suits.
■3 New Points of the Major Update
【Developed Mobile Suits are mailed to your address】
Inputting the serial codes on card indexes rewards the player with the in-game currency “Gundam Points.”
Furthermore, the player may gain “development materials” by defeating enemy platoons in Single Mode. They can
use these points and materials to develop new Mobile Suits, the cards for which will be mailed to their address.
【Now Recruiting: Mobile Suit Commanders to take on the world】
“GUNDAM: DUEL COMPANY” allows players to build their own unique army of Mobile Suits, and battle with commanders from around the world. With this update, the UI and battle windows have received a total renewal, optimizing them for smartphones. Players will be able to further enjoy their experiences as commanders.
【Card illustrations move in-game?! Newly added Moving Cards】
Impressive and finely detailed Mobile Suits are depicted in their poses on highly collectible horizontal cards. Pilot Cards, an important key to battle strategy, also allow for a greater range of play. New to this release are “Moving Cards,” in which the illustration is animated on the battle screen.
■Series 04 Booster Packs Released on Friday, May 29th!
New Mobile Suits and pilots join the game from “Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin,” “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing,”and other series.
▽“GUNDAM: DUEL COMPANY” Official homepage: http://gundam-dc.com/
■Moving Card Giveaway campaign to be held!
Moving Card Giveaway campaign
To commemorate the major version update and the release of Series 04, a promotion will be held in which players can obtain a Moving Card (cards withmoving illustrations). Players can receive promotional tickets by purchasing “GUNDAM: DUEL COMPANY” series products. When they input the serial code from the tickets, a limited-edition card will be shipped out to them.
▽See promotion details here http://www.carddass.com/gundam-dc/gn-dc04/
Product information
Release date: May 29th (Fri.) 2015
MSRP: 300 yen plus tax (3 cards per pack, 20 packs per box)
Card types: 91 cards
Recommended environment of use for smartphones and tablets
OS: 4.2.2 or higher Browser: Google Chrome or Firefox
*Based on models released between winter 2013 and spring 2014, or later.
*Please be aware that usage on the default browser is not recommended.
OS:6.1.4 or higher Browser: Safari
※Based on the iPhone5, iPad Retina, or later models.
※Please be aware that usage on Google Chrome or Firefox are not recommended.
※Cards shown are for illustrative purposes only.
※All screens are intended for illustrative purposes only. Actual screens may vary.
※Internet connection fees are the responsibility of the player.
Carddass Direct International
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