Two suits from Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash have been revealed as secret cards in the new Gundam TryAge Build MS Set 5! The six Perfect Rares in the set have also been announced. Let's check out the new indo!
■ Double secrets: Xi Gundam and Penelope!
To celebrate more than 100 milion cards dispensed, we've added two secret cards to the current set: Xi Gundam and Penelope.
Try them out alongside their pilot cards Mafty Navilles Erin and Lane Aim!
▲ B5-080 Xi Gundam
▲ B5-081 Penelope
▲ B5-082 Mafty Navilles Erin
▲ B5-083 Lane Aim
■ Build MS Set 5 Perfect Rares revealed!
Build MS Set 5's Perfect Rares are "Star Build Strike Gundam" and "Meijin Kawaguchi" from Gundam Build Fighters, "Alpha Azieru" and "Amuro Ray" from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, and "Hi-ν Gundam" from Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack: Beltorchika's Children. There's also a TryAge original to round out the set of six: the "Full Burst Psyco Gundam".
Any of these cards would make a great addition to your deck!
More info is available on the Gundam Try-Age official site.
Digital card game Gundam TryAge Build MS Set #5 Available February 6th, 2014 100 yen per credit |
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