Orders for the 'Robot Spirits Unicorn Gundam (glowing Psycoframe)', 'Robot Spirits Nu Gundam expansion set', and two other sets exclusive to Premium Bandai close at
4:00 PM on July 5th.

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Unicorn Gundam (glowing Psycoframe)
Price: ¥5,250
Ships: 9/2012
Build: ABS / PVC

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Unicorn Gundam (glowing Psycoframe) Glowing Stage set
Price: ¥7,875
Ships: 9/2012
Build: ABS / PVC

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Nu Gundam expansion set
Price: ¥3,150
Ships: 9/2012
Build: ABS / PVC
* 'Robot Spirits Side MS Nu Gundam' sold separately.

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Nu Gundam Fin Funnel set
Price: ¥1,575
Ships: 9/2012
Build: ABS / PVC
* 'Robot Spirits Side MS Nu Gundam' sold separately.
The 'Robot Spirits Unicorn Gundam (glowing Psycoframe)' matches the 'Robot Spirits Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) Full Action ver.''s mobility with a new Over Mask Spray paintjob. Match it with the Glowing Stage for a glow-in-the-dark display!
The 'Robot Spirits Nu Gundam expansion set' includes a beam barrier, a right manipulator grasping the Sazabi's cockpit, and new streamlined weapons, along with six Fin Funnels. The Fin Funnels can also be purchased separately.
▼ Order here!

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