13 กันยายน 2012
Mobage's Knight Gundam Carddas Senki goes live in late September! Prereg now!
All the old stores here to enjoy again, plus brand-new cards!

Knight Gundam Carddas Senki retells the tale of the Knight Gundam characters, heroes of a whole generation. Players progress through the story by completing missions and challenging bosses.
Call in friends to help with bosses you can't take down yourself, and enjoy white-hot melee Carddas battle action!
Collect 'Mission' and 'Carddas' cards, and build 'Enhancement' and 'Awakening'. Build the ultimate deck, and become a Carddas master!
Illustrators from the series' heyday are back with new cards.
Fans will want to see the new and old 'Killer Cards'!

▲ Game screen

▲ Old favorite cards from set 1, 'Lacroa no Kishi'

▲ Brand-new cards
■ Preregister and get a 'Limited Carddas Ticket'!
Register before the game goes live, and recieve a 'Limited Carddas Ticker' that will let you draw a Carddas card!
Don't miss this chance! Register here!

* Carrier data rates apply.
* Data charges may apply.
* All trademarks property of their respective owners.
* Details valid as of posting. Details may change without notice.
* Images from development version.
Knight Gundam Carddas Senki
Service begins late September 2012
On Mobage
Compatible handsets: Most feature phones and smartphones
Price: Item shop
Preregistration open now
Service begins late September 2012
On Mobage
Compatible handsets: Most feature phones and smartphones
Price: Item shop
Preregistration open now
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