17 พฤศจิกายน 2011
Old gameplay favorites are back too in SD Gundam G Generation 3D for the 3DS!
There's no shortage of new features either! Learn about 'Operator' settings and 'Appearance Change'!

'Operator' settings and the 'Appearance Change' system will feature in SD Gundam G Generation 3D, due out from Namco Bandai Games for the Nintendo 3Ds on December 22nd.
This time, we introduce new systems while also featuring old favorites!
■ Attract your favorite characters to 'My Colony'!
Operator setting can be changed from your own personal 'My Colony', the base for your forces. Operators are your personal guides to the game, and you can pick your favorite character!

▲ Operators can be chosen and changed. Choose your favorite from your character list!

▲ Choose from Fraw Bow, Meyrin Hawke, Gundam AGE's Millais Alloy, and more!
Plus, for characters who appear in more than one series, you can customize their appearance, affecting their choice of Spirit Commands!

[Appearance Change]
You can change characters who appear in multiple series, like Amuro and Char, to your favorite look with the Appearance Change system! Amuro can appear as he did in Gundam, Zeta Gundam, or Char's Counterattack.
Depending on which one you pick, his Spirit Commands and Abilities will change, so be sure to try it out!

[Spirit Commands]
Spirit Commands use SP to produce a variety of effects. As characters develop, they learn a total of up to four Spirit Commands. Check out this post to learn which commands have which effects!
Spirit Commands use SP to produce a variety of effects. As characters develop, they learn a total of up to four Spirit Commands. Check out this post to learn which commands have which effects!
■ GGen's classic systems return too!
Of course, this is still the GGen you know and love.
A variety of systems return for you to dive back into!
< Generation Break >
Generation Break cues up special events as you fulfill requirements in a stage.
Take on characters and mobile suits that weren't there in the original, or aren't even from the same show!

▲ Activate Generation Break, and bend series and space! Make the battles fiercer than ever!

▲ Break Triggers call in enemy reinforcements, while Challenge Missions up your victory conditions. For Break Triggers, defeating a first detachment calls down a second.
Succeed at a Challenge Mission, and a powerful secret unit sorties!
Succeed at a Challenge Mission, and a powerful secret unit sorties!
< Tension >
A system where increasing MP alters your pilots' emotions. Pilots can be either 'Routed', 'Unsure', 'Normal', 'Enthusiastic', or 'Fired Up', affecting their attack power and accuracy.

▲ When pilots are fired up, their MP gauge maxed, all their attacks become critical hits, and suit modes like Hyper Mode and Destroy Mode activate.
On the other hand, with an empty MP gauge, they're routed. Unable to move, enemy attacks are guaranteed to hit.
On the other hand, with an empty MP gauge, they're routed. Unable to move, enemy attacks are guaranteed to hit.

▲ Use Spirit Commands to bring pilots straight from routed to fired up!
< Chance Step >
Chance Step lets a unit finish off an enemy and then move again. Clever use can let single units take on an entire enemy army.

▲Uses of Chance Step are limited, with characters beginning at twice per turn. As they develop, these limits rise.
< MAP Weapons >
MAP Weapons allow certain units to use special attacks and damage an entire area without engaging any of the units within it in combat. However, allied units in the area will be damaged as well.

< Group Area and Leader Area >
Your ship is surrounded by a blue 'Group Area', while your leader's mobile suit is surrounded by a purple 'Leader Area'. Units of your group within these areas can be affected by your captain's or leader's Abilities.

▲ Under certain conditions in the Leader Area, your leader can follow up with a fierce attack.
< Capture >
With Capture, you can disable an enemy unit and make it your own!

▲Now, shooting down an enemy Leader lets you capture his wingmen.
Units captured during a stage can be viewed with the 'Captured Units' command.
Units captured during a stage can be viewed with the 'Captured Units' command.
※ Images from development version.
SD Gundam G Generation 3D
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011
Price: ¥6,090 (software) / ¥21,090 (bundle)
Platform: Nintendo 3DS system
Genre: Gundam strategy
CERO: A (All ages)
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