27 กันยายน 2011
Season 8 begins the 'Next Season Reservation System'! Features Benedict Arnold would die for come to GNO3!
Change sides or your commander's face between seasons!

Namco Bandai Online will introduce the 'Next Season Reservation System' to Gundam Network Operation 3 in its eighth season, scheduled to begin in october. This system affords players their first chance to change sides in between seasons! Implementation is scheduled for the October 11th planned maintenance.
In the Next Season Reservation System, players can not only change sides between seasons, but also update their squad leader's face for the first time.

[Eighth Season reservation period]
End of October 11th maintenance - beginning of October 16th maintenance
▼ Change your affiliation during the One Year War!
Using the Next Season Reservation System, players can change their affiliation during the One Year War in a new season. Players who do so will select a new face from their new side's options, and while their current subordinates will be lost they will be replaced with four new pilots.

▼ Change your squad leader's face!
Players can also select a new squad leader face without changing sides.
This will not affect subordinate pilots.

If using the Next Season Reservation System, you cannot use the 'World Transfer' function between seasons.
If you would like to start the eighth season on another world, please use the World Transfer function
before the October 11th maintenance.
※ The Next Season Reservation System option will be displayed after login
by the World Transfer and Redeem Code options in the 'World Selection Screen' menu.
※ The player's squad leader name cannot be changed by using the Next Season Reservation System.※ Reservations placed for the next season cannot be revoked after maintenance.
※ If you change sides during the One Year War, your previous save data will be lost.
※ Even if you change sides during the One Year War,
your Team, Friend List, and Ignore List data will be retained.
※ After placing a reservation, you cannot use the World Transfer function.※ Usage of the Next Season Reservation System will not affect normal end-of-season processes.
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Gundam Network Operation 3
Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit
Publisher: Namco Bandai Online
Monthly Fee:
Credit card : • 1,155 / month (tax inc.)
7-Eleven Money Transfer, WebMoney, DoCoMo Mobile Phone Account payments : • 3,780 / 3 month period (tax inc.) |
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