21 กันยายน 2011
Tokyo Game Show 2011 'Gundam Game Special Stage' report!
The newest info on Gundam Extreme Vs. and G Generation 3D from onstage! We report on the shows, complete with guest appearances!

Namco Bandai Games held the 'Gundam Game Special Stage' at Tokyo Game Show 2011 on September 15th in order to promote the newest Gundam games.

After the producers introduced themselves, special guests Gundam celebrity Teruyuki Tsuchida, Amuro impersonator Osamu Wakai, and the voice of Amuro Ray himself, Toru Furuya, took the stage.
Furuya and Wakai began the show with 'I'm the real Amuro!' 'No, I am!', to which Tsuchida joked 'Wow, when you compare them in person, Wakai's not even close.

The first title to be shown was Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs., due out on PS3 December 1st. The newest in the popular Gundam Vs. series of arcade games, this hot new title brings all the excitement home.
A trailer showed off familiar arcade features 'Extreme Actions', using boosts and steps to build combos, and 'Extreme Bursts', temporarily powering up the player's suit, before delving into the new-for-PS3 'Trial Mission' mode and 'Online Battles'.
Also revealed were huge bosses, and Raphael Gundam and Crossbone Gundam X-1 Full Cloth as units which will first be available at home rather than in the arcade.

Next, Team Amuro (Furuya and Wakai) took on a team of producers!
Furuya opted for the ν Gundam and Wakai the RX-78, while the producers used the new Raphael Gundam and Crossbone Gundam X-1 Full Cloth .
It was a close fight, but Tsuchida quipping 'So this is what a controller looks like?' while yanking one of the producers' controllers.
In the second battle, the producers chose Strike Gundam and Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai. Defeating Team Amuro, they evened the score at 1-1.

Finally, on TGS 2011's last day, the special stage set up in Makuhari Messe's Hall 7 for the Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. 10th Anniversary Dogfight in Tokyo Game Show 2011 was announced.
We'll have a report on all 64 teams up soon!

Next up: SD Gundam G Generation 3d, due out December 22nd for the Nintendo 3DS.
Newest in the popular SD Gundam G Generation series of strategy games, combat is shown in the realistic 3D only the 3DS is capable of.
Along with a streamlined, easy-to-play system, Spirit Commands have been added to make each character unique.

Mobile suits and pilots from all across Gundam come together for plotlines surpassing individual series! The trailer shown featured Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, which premieres October 9th, and Gunpla Builders Beginning G, the Gunpla 30th Anniversary project.
Also announced was the Char's Customize Nintendo 3DS premium bundle.
You'll want to get your hands on it!
Last was a comment from all the guests. First, Gundam Vs. producer Baba revealed that there was a third development team on duty, in addition to PS3 Extreme Vs. development and arcade Extreme Vs. patching.
Furuya then revealed he'd recently been recording new lines for Amuro and Ribbons!
Keep following us for more info!
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