8 กันยายน 2011
Silver Week starts September 14th in SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online!
Three ways to pick up in-game coins and items!

Silver Week kicks off September 14th in SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online, with three different events!
Join the Login Event by participating in missions over a period of days, the Unit Limited Battle Event by using specific units more than 20 times in versus battles, or the Kill Count Event by racking up the victories on a PvP server!
Try out all three ways to pick up in-game coins and items!
Login Event
▼ Restrictions and requirements
[Login Event A]
[Login Event B]
[Login Event C]
[Login Event D]
9/14 - 10/4
▼ Rewards / requirements
※ If multiple requirements are fulfilled, all applicable bonuses will be awarded.
▼ Restrictions and requirements
[Login Event A]
9/14 - 9/20
・ Participate in at least 3 standard PvP battles per day for at least 4 days
[Login Event B]
9/21 - 9/27
・ Participate in at least 3 Deathmatches per day for at least 4 days
[Login Event C]
9/28 - 10/4
・ Clear at least 3 Anime Missions per day for at least 4 days
[Login Event D]
9/14 - 10/4
・ Complete a quest on at least 10 individual days
・ Have a kill count of at least 10 on PVP servers on at least 15 individual days
・ Clear at least 2 Group Missions on at least 20 individual days
▼ Rewards / requirements
・ EXP Pack 200 (Full) x5 / At least one requirement fulfilled
・ GuAIZ (Custom 4) / At least two requirements
・ GuAIZ (Commander's) / At least three requirements
・ EXP Pack 1000 (Full) x3 / At least four requirements
・ Level Protector x2 / At least five requirements
・ EXP Pack 1000 (Full) x10 / All six requirements
・ Over Custom 100% Chip / Clear Login Event D's Group Mission requirement
※ If multiple requirements are fulfilled, all applicable bonuses will be awarded.
Unit Limited Battle Event
▼ Event details
▼ Restrictions and requirements
▼ Rewards
Coin x10
※ Units TBD
※ If multiple requirements are fulfilled, all applicable bonuses will be awarded.
▼ Event details
[Unit Limited Battle Event A]
9/14 - 9/20
[Unit Limited Battle Event B]
9/21 - 9/27
[Unit Limited Battle Event C]
9/28 - 10/4
▼ Restrictions and requirements
During the event period, connect to a PvP or Clan server with the specified units
and participate in at least 20 PvP battles.
▼ Rewards
Coin x10
※ Units TBD
※ If multiple requirements are fulfilled, all applicable bonuses will be awarded.
Kill Count Event
▼ Event details
9/14 - 9/20
▼ Restrictions and requirements
[Kill Count Event A]
[Kill Count Event B]
[Kill Count Event C]
※ If multiple requirements are fulfilled, all applicable bonuses will be awarded.
▼ Event details
9/14 - 9/20
▼ Restrictions and requirements
[Kill Count Event A]
・ Achieve at least 100 kills on a PvP server during the event.
Prize: EXP Pack 200 (Full) x5
[Kill Count Event B]
・ Achieve at least 300 kills on a PvP server during the event.
Prize: EXP Pack 1000 (Full) x5
[Kill Count Event C]
・ Achieve at least 600 kills on a PvP server during the event.
Prize: Coin x10
Over Custom 100% Chip
※ If multiple requirements are fulfilled, all applicable bonuses will be awarded.
※ Details subject to change.
Produced by BANDAI KOREA
Developed by SOFTMAX / Published by CJ Internet Japan.
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online
Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Genre: Online Action
Monthly Fee: Free (cash shop for items)
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