The Gundam-themed event "Gundam World 2014 in Kanazawa" will be held at the Ishikawa-ken Sangyo Tenji 3-gokan from March 20th through the 23rd.
Ishikawa TV celebrates its 45th year by bringing Gundam World to the Kanazawa region for the first time!
At the event, you'll be able to see a life-sized Gundam bust, a huge diorama, and a special corner dedicated to Char Aznable, the enduringly-popular "Red Comet". 1/10-scale statues of the Char Custom Z'gok and Hyaku-Shiki with Mega Bazooka Launcher will be on display alongside a digest video of Char's history.
You can also enjoy a 1/10-scale Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) and have your photo taken in a life-sized cockpit (for a small fee) in the Mobile Suit Gundam UC corner, see a lineup of historical Gunpla from the very first to the latest Gundam Build Fighters kit, and take part in a "Challenge Gundam Quiz" with new recordings by your favorite actors.
Gundam Café will be there too, with Jaburo Coffee and its beloved Haro-man, and the free-entry gift shop will carry event-exclusive Gunpla, exclusive Gundam World T-shirts, and even Gundam Café's exclusive mugs. Enjoy Gundam on display, and take home a souvenir!
Tickets in advance are ¥800 for adults or ¥600 for elementary and junior high students. Admission at the event is ¥1,000 for adults or ¥800 for elementary and junior high students. Younger children are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased from major ticketsellers.
"Gundam World 2014 in Kanazawa" details | |
Venue | Ishikawa-ken Sangyo Tenji 3-gokan (Minami 193, Fukurobatake-machi, Kanazawa-shi / near the Hokurikudo/Kanazawa-Nishi interchange) |
Dates | March 20th–23rd, 2014 |
Hours | 9:30 AM–6:00 PM (admission closes at 5:30) |
Admission: | ■ In advance ¥800 for adults or ¥600 for elementary and junior high students ■ At the event ¥800 for adults or ¥600 for elementary and junior high students * Younger children admitted free * Tickets may sell out in advance. * Some attractions ticketed separately. |
Tickets available at: | Lawson Ticket L-Code: 55261 7-Eleven 7-Code: 027-438 Ticket Pia P-Code: 988-670 Daiwa (Korinbo / Tomiyama / Takaoka), Ishikawa Ongakudo Ticket Box, Alplaza Heiwado Hokuriku locations, Apita Mattou, Bunendo Group, Vanvan Kanbayashi, Ishikaw Sun Cafe, Disc Fan Komatsu, Komatsu Urara, Palette, Hokuriku Chunichi Distribution and more |
Sponsors: | Ishikawa Television Broadcasting Co.,Ltd. / Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun |
Cooperation: | Bandai / Sunrise Promotion Hokuriku |
For more event details, visit the Event Information page on Ishikawa TV's site.
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