The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art's "Legend of Mechanical Design Kunio Okawara" exhibition will host a special signing by Mr. Okawara himself, as well as an "Okawara Mecha in Drama" panel, on May 5th.
Mr. Okawara, joined by Armored Trooper Votoms director Ryosuke Takahashi, will discuss the use of his designs in the show. Hearing the men who made Votoms is an unmissable opportunity for fans.
Tickets, required for admission to each event, will be made available at 10:00 AM.
Please note that an exhibition catalogue is required for participation in the signing session.
■ Kunio Okawara signing session
11:00 AM–1:00 PM, May 5th (tickets available at 10:00 AM)
Museum foyer
○ Ticket
○ Exhibition ticket
* Tickets available to the first 100 visitors carrying a "Legend of Mechanical Design Kunio Okawara" exhibition catalogue. Catalogues are available for purchase.
* To avoid inconvenience to our neighbors, please refrain from queuing overnight.
11:00 AM–1:00 PM, May 5th (tickets available at 10:00 AM)
Museum foyer
○ Ticket
○ Exhibition ticket
* Tickets available to the first 100 visitors carrying a "Legend of Mechanical Design Kunio Okawara" exhibition catalogue. Catalogues are available for purchase.
* To avoid inconvenience to our neighbors, please refrain from queuing overnight.
■ "Okawara Mecha in Drama" panel
Kunio Okawara (mechanical designer), Ryosuke Takahashi (animation director)
3:00–4:30 PM, May 5th (tickets available at 10:00 AM)
Museum Hall
○ Ticket
○ Exhibition ticket
* To avoid inconvenience to our neighbors, please refrain from queuing overnight.
Kunio Okawara (mechanical designer), Ryosuke Takahashi (animation director)
3:00–4:30 PM, May 5th (tickets available at 10:00 AM)
Museum Hall
○ Ticket
○ Exhibition ticket
* To avoid inconvenience to our neighbors, please refrain from queuing overnight.
For more information, visit the Legend of Mechanical Design Kunio Okawara official site.
Legend of Mechanical Design Kunio Okawara
[Dates] March 23rd–May 19th, 2013, 10:00 AM–6:00 PM * Closes at 8:00 PM Fridays and Saturdays. Doors close 30 minutes earlier.
Closed Mondays
* Open 4/29 and 5/6, closed 4/30 and 5/7.
[Venue] Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (1-1-1 Wakihama Kaigandori, Chuo-ku, Kobe)
[Admission] General admission ¥1,300, college students ¥900, high school students and seniors ¥650 In parties of 20 or more: General admission ¥1,100, college students ¥700, high school students and seniors ¥550 Junior high and under admitted free
[Dates] March 23rd–May 19th, 2013, 10:00 AM–6:00 PM * Closes at 8:00 PM Fridays and Saturdays. Doors close 30 minutes earlier.
Closed Mondays
* Open 4/29 and 5/6, closed 4/30 and 5/7.
[Venue] Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (1-1-1 Wakihama Kaigandori, Chuo-ku, Kobe)
[Admission] General admission ¥1,300, college students ¥900, high school students and seniors ¥650 In parties of 20 or more: General admission ¥1,100, college students ¥700, high school students and seniors ¥550 Junior high and under admitted free
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